Posts tagged ‘Weekend Project’


Building a Camera with a Rather Undersized Microcontroller

Disclaimer: This project was hacked together more or less in a weekend. Not much documentation is available besides the source code. If you want to build this (in the off-chance that you got your hands on one of these printer modules), you’d have to extract the schematic information from pinning.h and supply your own stepper motor driver and level shifter circuit. I had these thermal printer modules, 4 of them, after I bought them because they were cheap and seemed interesting. Read more →


Catchy title aside, this one is actually about deterring spiders. This small project started with my mother’s observation that a corner of her basement was spider-free since I had set up a NAS there. Rather than assuming that the vibrations/noises generated by the hard drive put the spiders off (like I would), she made a connection the Banana Pi’s irregularly flashing LEDs. That had to be investigated. A RGB LED, a breadboard, an ATTiny, and some batteries to test the hypothesis. Read more →

Pb Power bank

In preparation for being off-grid for a few days, I quickly built this ‘power bank’ around a 12 V 7 Ah lead gel battery. The circuit is simply pushed onto the battery’s 6.3 mm contacts and provides 3 USB ports. Charging circuitry is not included but the battery terminals are still accessible anyway.

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